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February 17-19, 2023 — Westin Boston Seaport District

Announcing Boskone 60 Musical Guest: Dave Clement

We are proud to announce the Musical Guest for Boskone 60 will be Dave Clement and we look forward to welcoming him to Boskone, February 17-19, 2023. “Decadent” Dave Clement is a virtuoso performer of folk, filk, Celtic, and old-time country music. He plays guitar, bodhran, cittern, and penny whistle. Until recently, he was one […]

Announcing Boskone 60 Official Artist: Victo Ngai

We are proud to announce the Official Artist for Boskone 60 will be Victo Ngai and we look forward to welcoming her to Boskone, February 17-19, 2023. Victo Ngai is a professional illustrator and winner of many awards including the Hugo Award for Best Professional Artist Award. In addition to her genre works she has […]